Reclaim Britain
The Reclaim Party Manifesto
We want to Reclaim. We want to Reclaim our freedoms, we want to Reclaim our institutions, we want to Reclaim our government.
We want genuine diversity of thought, inclusive of all identities and persuasions.
We want equality of opportunity, not outcome.
We want to take politics out of our state institutions.
We want to pay our taxes for services, not lectures.
It is our belief that anything which is not expressly prohibited by the state is therefore permitted.
Our Principles
Free Speech
Freedom of speech is fundamental to a free society. No idea, philosophy, ideology, religion or political opinion should be protected. The implications of climate change policies must be openly debated. All public bodies, agencies, universities and those in receipt of public funding will have a legal obligation to protect free speech.
A nation is not a nation without control of its borders and the ability to make its own laws. We will end illegal immigration and stop the scourge of human trafficking. We believe in the national interest and our heritage. The UK should build alliances to counter anti-western forces.
A Dynamic Economy
Economic prosperity lifts people out of poverty. We would create incentives for savers and entrepreneurs. Net zero climate policies punish the poorest in society. We would zero rate VAT on domestic fuel. Public sector investment must be targeted to those areas most in need and should not be driven by short-term political imperatives.
Power Of The State
The State is in service to the people. In the public sector, this means the primacy of pupils and patients. The purpose of government is to facilitate freedom, not to restrict it. Reducing the size of the state means lower taxes and public sector reform.
Rule of Law
We must be free to think, speak and act up to the point where the law places a specific restriction. The law must be applied equally and without fear or favour.
We believe in equality and respect for all, irrespective of ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation. Belief in equality requires the depoliticisation of national institutions (Police, Civil Service, the National Trust etc.).
Our Policies
Reclaim Energy
There is no climate emergency. The Reclaim Party will defer the Net Zero commitment until the clean technology required to do so is available. A premature migration would punish the poorest and most vulnerable.
It is unacceptable that the National Grid is forced to buy energy from the continent to meet demand due to a generation of short sighted energy policies. We seek energy independence, not Net Zero, by 2050.
This would require the promotion of modular nuclear generation in the long term and the permitment of fracking in the short term, subject to local consent.
The future is beneath your feet. These islands and the waters around them are rich in natural resources, and we are happy for companies to turn them into energy, to warm our homes and power our lives.
Reclaim The Streets
There should be no restrictions on the use of public highways. Consequently, schemes such as Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and so called “15 minute city” restrictions should never be imposed without local referenda.
We want our towns and cities to be beautiful and walkable, but that should be through wise and creative urban planning, not by simply blocking roads and levying taxes.
The Ultra Low Emission Zone scheme in London would be halted, and we would bring in legislation to prevent similar schemes being rolled out in English cities.
The attempt to retire the internal combustion engine by 2030 is deluded and would rob millions on low incomes of the ability to drive. It should be scrapped immediately, whilst those who wish to use electric cars can by all means do so. The roads are for everyone, not just the rich.
Reclaim Our Borders
A country can either have a welfare state, or it can have open borders. It cannot have both. Without control of those borders, there is no nation.
The levels of migration into the United Kingdom should be dictated by the sentiment of those who live here.
Any migrant entering the country illegally should be unable to attain a British passport, or permanent leave to remain.
Those found guilty of human trafficking will be subject to mandatory minimum 10 year sentences, and seizure of assets.
However, we believe that there are genuine people in need of this country’s protection and shelter. Asylum applications should be made overseas, in-country in British embassies and consulates, or in those of neighbouring countries, in case of war or inaccessibility. Successful applicants will receive safe passage to the United Kingdom.
Reclaim The Economy
The Public Sector should never account for more than 40% of the economy. Public sector pensions will be brought in line with their private sector equivalents.
In response to the catastrophic monetary policy failures of the last five years, we will reclaim the Bank of England, by ending its so-called “independence” in order to make elected ministers accountable for its decisions.
To stimulate badly needed growth and investment, Corporation Tax will be cut for 3 million small businesses, thus unleashing the most dynamic and creative sector of the economy.
We want to both save money and clean up politics by banning campaigning organisations from receiving taxpayers’ money, so activist groups cannot use the funds meant for our services to lobby against the government.
No offshore company or institution not subject to UK law or paying UK tax can receive government subsidy or grants.
High street regeneration will be funded by ensuring that multinational digital corporations can no longer avoid employer’s national insurance contributions. They would also be subject to an Online Sales Tax, to ensure that they cannot move their tax contributions offshore, and pay the similar levels of tax as high street retailers.
Reclaim Health
The Reclaim Party would introduce a Swiss model of healthcare, whereby those of low incomes would have all the health expenses paid for by the state, free at the point of use.
In order to help nurses into the profession, we would end the degree requirement for nursing.
To end the mess of NHS procurement, NHS managers would be required to purchase items on the commercial market, or from high street chains, if they cannot source at a lower per-unit cost.
Bodily autonomy is paramount to the Reclaim Party. There will be no enforced medical procedures, and no one should have to choose between their livelihood and an injection.
Reclaim Politics
The Reclaim Party would declare a war on “woke.” Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programmes, which waste considerable taxpayer funds, would be banned from government departments and agencies in receipt of government funding.
The Reclaim Party believes that every British subject is an equal citizen of the UK. Therefore, no one should receive more funding or favour from the state due to accident of geography. The Reclaim Party would end the Barnett formula whereby Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland citizens are subsidised by English taxpayers.
Sovereignty belongs to the British people, it is not the government’s to give away. We would never outsource British democracy to any other country or institution.
The UK will leave the European Convention Human Rights, incorporating articles 8, your right to respect for your private and family life, and 10, freedom of expression, into a new British Bill of Rights. The Reclaim Party would also reform the Equality Act, to provide genuine equality, as opposed to the hierarchies of characteristics which it does today.
In order to cut the cost of politics and improve delivery, the number of MPs and Lords will be halved and a maximum number imposed to end the corruption of appointments to the Upper House. There will be higher salary and staff costs for MPs, commensurate with the greater responsibility and to attract better qualified individuals. MPs will only have one job, that of representing their constituents. They will no longer have outside interests.
Cabinet ministers will not receive severance pay. MPs will provide for their own pensions.
As MPs enjoy the unique position of Parliamentary Privilege, they cannot also be able to indulge in off the record briefings. If they want to release information about policy or government, they can do so in parliament and the media can learn of it when we do. This will end the pernicious collaboration of politicians and the press.
Whilst we recognise the value of legislative oversight, Peers in the House of Lords would be subject to term limits and a minimum attendance requirement.
Reclaim Gender
A woman is an adult human female.
Organisations, agencies or sporting bodies that prioritise trans rights over those of women and girls will lose access to state funding.
Reclaim The Environment
The regulatory environment for agriculture and our natural world is currently too onerous and vulnerable to capture from activists.
The Reclaim Party would incorporate Natural England (currently headed by a Green Party activist) back into the Environment Agency. We would also commit to reducing the bureaucracy that is destroying our farming communities.
UK territorial fishing waters will be reclaimed, in their entirety.
Reclaim Our Culture
Identity politics is divisive, and it has no place in the state. The Reclaim Party would immediately end hiring expensive Diversity and Inclusion officers in government departments and state institutions.
No street will be renamed or statue torn down absent a local referendum.
British institutions, from schools to hospitals, will never promote themed months centered around any particular identity group.
The Reclaim Party would end the television license fee model. Initially, non-payment of the license fee would be decriminalised and the BBC would move to a subscription model.
The Reclaim Party recognises that censorship of the internet is neither desirable nor possible. As a result, the Online Safety Bill will be dropped. In its place, all home and mobile packages will be required to include an opt-in system for flagged mature content, giving parents the power to control what their children see and do online.
Reclaim The Law
We grant the police a privileged place in our society; the right to use force. Because of this, it is particularly alarming to see our police captured by divisive, dangerous identity politics and special interest groups.
The Police must be depoliticised. Political symbols and flags will not be permitted on uniforms, cars or in stations. In order to prevent activist groups lobbying the police at officer-level, there will be no third-party involvement in the police and police training.
The law will be enforced equally across all communities. There will be no subjective criminal actions, such as “hate”. Crime is crime.
The College of Policing will be disbanded and its assets sold.
There is no need to have a degree qualification for police officers, and that requirement would be rescinded.
To remind them, and us, of their power and responsibility, the police would return to being a “force” and not a “service.”
Reclaim Defence
Defence of the realm is a vital function of government. However, in recent decades, defence procurement has been an unmitigated disaster and wasted billions that could have gone on pay and fit-for-purpose homes for our soldiers, the finest fighters in the world.
Rather than being dragged into European multinational development projects which consistently come in years late decades over budget, the Ministry of Defence should procure more advanced equipment from the Americans, at a far cheaper cost.
The UK’s defence budget should be matched to the level of risk. The UK will not indulge in speculative overseas missions.
Reclaim Education
Education is the most important responsibility of any government. It is the protection and nurture of our children. In 1908, the Children’s and Young Person’s Act, then known as the “Children’s Charter” was brought about to protect the most vulnerable children in society, and enshrined in law the clear distinction between children and adults.
The Reclaim Party proposes something similar to protect the children of today, the Reclaim Party’s children’s charter.
1. School governorships to become mandatory elected positions, whose meetings are public and where any member of the school community can attend and speak.
2. The immediate removal of political activist groups targeting children, such as Stonewall and Mermaids, from all British schools and teacher training programmes.
3. The withholding of taxpayers money from said groups and the defunding of councils who impose their recommendations.
4. An end to the teaching of critical race and gender theory as fact, and a recognition that these new and controversial ideas should be discussed by, but not imposed on, children.
5. Sex and relationship education to return to secondary, not primary school.
6. The publication of all teaching materials pertaining to PSHE education, to grant parents the option to opt-out if they feel it is age inappropriate for their child.
7. The banning of all political flags from school, outside of the context of the classroom for the purposes of learning and discussion. And yes, that would include Pride flags.
8. No more drag and adult performers in schools. These are schools, not nightclubs.
The Reclaim Party also recognises the value of sport and competition. To that effect we will promote competitive sport between state schools, which has sadly been undermined in recent decades.
For higher education, universities are places of learning, it is in their nature to be intellectually challenging. Universities will no longer be able to de-platform speakers, since, if their presence is not prohibited, it is therefore permitted, and it is the responsibility of the university to ensure all speakers can be free to speak their mind on their campuses. Universities will lose funding for failing to deliver this most basic of academic freedoms.